Via Online secure payment - OneClick (Visa or Mastercard)
Our Agent will sent your personal payment secure link (preferred method) or give you your personal payment code to use it on the secure payment facility OneClick
Kindly note that our online secure payment system complies with all the international security standards. The transaction is between the customer and the bank. Your credit card details never stored or transmitted to Fantasy Travel's servers or personnel.
Via Bank transfer (wire transfer)
Alternative Payment of total amount can be forwarded to us by bank transaction, covering all bank expenses your end as follows:
Philellinon Branch
Athens - Greece
Account A500
Acc.No. 120-00-2320-002259
IBAN : GR50 0140 1200 1200 0232 0002 259
A copy of bank receipt is required to be sent to us by fax (+30 2103310533) or by email (f a n t a s y @ f a n t a s y . g r) , as soon a payment has been made, so we can proceed with firm bookings and confirmations.